Local Spotlight: Our Human Resources Outsourcing Success Stories in Tampa

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November 3, 2023

Welcome to our comprehensive exploration of the Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) landscape in sunny Tampa, Florida! As a hub of business innovation, Tampa is bustling with companies thriving in the realm of HR outsourcing. Offering unparalleled solutions to streamline HR operations—ranging from payroll processing to talent acquisition—these firms play a pivotal role in aiding businesses to achieve their corporate objectives.

Our spotlight shines bright on Tampa's top-performing HRO providers who, through their transformative strategies and solutions, are marking exceptional success stories. We also delve into the tremendous benefits of outsourcing HR functions, the prevailing market trends, how efficient processes impact the overall organization, and much more.

Stay tuned as we journey through the extraordinary work these resourceful firms have brought forth, and gain practical insights on how to uplift your HR operations, whether you're a Tampa local or from any corner of the globe.

Through our authoritative guide, we aim to empower you with knowledge to make informed decisions, enhancing your business's effectiveness, productivity, and growth. Let's unravel Tampa's HRO success stories together and inspire our HR future!

Top Human Resources Outsourcing Companies in Tampa

Tampa is a hotbed of energetic businesses, ever in search of solutions to optimize their growth and productivity. A significant solution many have found lies in outsourcing their Human Resources (HR) functions to expert companies within the city. This article shines a spotlight on the top HR outsourcing companies in Tampa that have proven their expertise time and again.

ADP TotalSource

ADP TotalSource tops the list with its comprehensive HR solutions. They are known not only for their seasoned HR expertise but also for their customizable solutions tailored to fit the unique needs of each business. From payroll management to risk mitigation, ADP TotalSource ensures businesses can focus on growth whilst professionally handling their HR functions.

HH Staffing Services

Next up is HH Staffing Services, a company renowned for its dedication to providing exceptional staffing solutions. Their specialty lies in their robust selection and placement process, which guarantees that businesses get the highly-qualified personnel they need to thrive.

Kforce Inc

Kforce Inc is another major player in the HR outsourcing scene in Tampa. Their approach is characterized by tech-driven solutions and a keen understanding of various industry needs. Whether you're a tech startup or an established healthcare company, Kforce Inc has the tools to take your HR operations to the next level.

Criterion Executive Search

Criterion Executive Search stands out with its targeted executive search services. They believe that every successful business is propelled by dynamic leadership, and they dedicate their efforts towards helping businesses find the leaders they need.

Payroll Florida

Payroll Florida specializes in streamlining payroll management for businesses. With their intuitive software and dedicated customer service, they take the headache out of payroll operations and bring smooth transitions and scalability.

Value PEO

Rounding up our list is Value PEO, a leading provider of Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services in Tampa. Value PEO enhances work efficiency and reduces HR related costs through co-employment arrangements, demonstrating a cost-effective approach to HR outsourcing.

Remember, the key to successful HR outsourcing lies in identifying a partner that understands your business and can cater to your specific needs. If you're considering outsourcing your HR functions, don't forget to check our comprehensive guide. It's a great resource for comparing HR outsourcing companies and making an informed decision.

Choosing the right HR outsourcing company can significantly influence your business trajectory by maximizing efficiency, minimizing risk, and ultimately driving growth. As evident from the leading HR outsourcing companies in Tampa we've mentioned, the city offers a plethora of options well-equipped to enhance your HR functions and propel your business towards success.

Benefits of Outsourcing HR Functions

Today's changing business environment is pushing organizations of various sizes to explore the benefits of outsourcing HR functions. Citing a remarkable 39.8% of businesses outsourcing their HR functions to concentrate more on their core business areas, it's clear this trend offers numerous advantages over managing these tasks in-house.

When it comes to adapting to changes rapidly, human resources outsourcing proves highly advantageous by providing companies with flexibility. With professional HR companies taking over workforce management responsibilities, organizations can respond promptly to fluctuating workplace demands. It enables businesses to scale up or down more efficiently, based on their current requirements.

Outsourcing HR functions can significantly improve the quality of hiring. Industry statistics show that a whopping 87% of organizations reported a positive impact on their hiring processes after transferring their recruitment tasks to professional HR companies. The inherent expertise and broad networks of these HR firms give businesses access to a vast talent pool and the tools to attract, assess, and procure the right candidates.

Another striking benefit of outsourcing HR is cost reduction. Many organizations find that outsourcing HR functions can lead to significant savings in operational costs. These savings can then be invested back into the business for growth and expansion.

By outsourcing HR functions, companies can also reduce their risk of non-compliance with labor laws and regulations. Professional HR companies stay updated with the latest legislative changes and ensure that their clients comply, thereby mitigating potential legal issues.

Just as we have outlined in our Benefits of HR outsourcing, it's evident that delegating HR tasks to a professional outsourcing firm can allow businesses to operate more efficiently, save costs, and focus on mission-critical tasks.

Striking a balance between managing human resources functions and growing the business can be challenging. However, outsourcing HR tasks offers a practical solution that enhances efficiency, reduces risk, and allows businesses to focus wholeheartedly on their core areas—leading to enhanced productivity and profitability in the long run.

HR Outsourcing Market

There's no doubt about it; the HR Outsourcing market has been nothing short of an industry game-changer. Not only has it reinvented the way organizations manage their workforce, but its voluminous growth offers undeniable proof of its cost-efficiency and strategic advantages. But have you ever wondered where the heart of this blossoming industry lies? No need to search further - it's North America.

Remarkably, North America dominates the global HR outsourcing market with a staggering 56% market share. Let that sink in. More than half of the global businesses that have outsourced their HR functions or are planning to do so are right here, in our backyard!

This regional dominance can be attributed to several factors, which include:

  • A mature and technologically advanced market for HR services
  • The prevalence of large corporations with a global workforce
  • A marked preference for cost-effectiveness, leading several businesses to opt for outsourcing

Interestingly, we're not just talking about major commercial hubs like New York City or Silicon Valley. Even smaller regions are enjoying the HR outsourcing boom. Take Tampa, for example. According to market projections, Tampa's HR outsourcing industry is expected to experience significant growth from 2023 to 2027.

So, why is the spotlight on Tampa? The answer lies in its vibrant business environment, receptive to innovation and equipped with a steady supply of high-quality human resources. The city's dedication to providing congruent support for HR outsourcing companies, coupled with its tech-savvy workforce, has set it in motion to become one of the fastest-growing markets in this sector.

"Outsourcing is not just a trend; it has become an integral part of how smart businesses operate today."

Let's remember, the success of the HR outsourcing market doesn't just represent growth for the industry players. It's also a victory for countless organizations that have discovered the multiple benefits of outsourcing - cost reduction, increased efficiency, and access to expert knowledge, to name but a few.

Without a doubt, North America - led by vibrant cities like Tampa - is steering the ship of the global HR outsourcing market towards a future where businesses are even more growth-centric, efficient, and strategically focused. The HR Outsourcing market indeed promises a transformational journey ahead!

Increased Efficiency and Streamlined Processes

Welcome to the world of human resources management where efficiency and streamlined business processes are the golden tickets to success. Embracing the modern trend of outsourcing HR functions can elevate these key elements to unprecedented heights, driving your company’s productivity through the roof!

Imagine your HR team having more time to focus on crucial tasks like recruitment, retention, and employee development, rather than getting bogged down by paperwork and administrative duties. That's exactly what you get when you outsource HR functions. This strategy not only saves your team time, it can significantly boost operational efficiency. Let’s drill down a bit more into these benefits.

  • Greater Efficiency: By assigning repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as payroll, benefits management, and compliance reports to an external specialist, you free up your HR team to focus on strategic, value-add tasks. These specialists have the expertise to complete these tasks efficiently and accurately, ensuring your HR operations run smoothly.
  • Streamlined Processes: Outsourcing partners use the latest technologies and automation tools to manage HR tasks, minimizing errors and paperwork. This leads to a smooth, streamlined process that allows your HR team to work more effectively and focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Focus on Core Business Functions: With the mundane tasks taken care of, your HR team has more bandwidth to work on core business initiatives, such as employee training and development, retention strategies, and talent acquisition. This leads to a more productive workforce, a healthier corporate culture, and, ultimately, a better bottom line.

As Lou Gerstner, the former CEO of IBM famously said, "In the end, an organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value." By outsourcing HR functions, you can do just that – boost your organization's capacity to create value through increased efficiency and streamlined processes. It's by no means a silver bullet, but it's a stepping stone on the path to HR excellence.

Embracing the concept of outsourcing HR functions is not about displacing your valued HR team but enriching them. It's about enabling them to shine in their areas of expertise and propelling your business to new heights of growth and success. As you consider this strategy for your own organization, remember that the strength of your business lies in its ability to adapt and evolve in an ever-changing corporate landscape.

Average Salary of HR Coordinator

In the vast world of business, Human Resources (HR) lie at the core of most organizations. Coordinators of this department play a pivotal role in ensuring that the balance between management and employees is perfectly maintained. However, ever wondered what an HR Coordinator earns on an average in Tampa? Let's delve deeper into the subject to shed some light on the matter!

As per the figures we gathered, HR Coordinators working at top-notch companies like NTT DATA based in Tampa, Florida are drawing in an average salary of $65k annually. To attract quality talent and keep up with industry standards, such competitive compensation packages are instrumental.

Just a few reasons behind the comprehensive salary package include:

  • Role Complexity: HR Coordinators have multifaceted roles. They’re involved in everything from recruitment, compensation, employee relations, benefits management to compliance with labor laws. It's a task that demands a versatile skill set.
  • Demand and Supply: Like in any industry, the scarcity of effective HR Coordinators can also impact the average salary. There's a persistent demand for efficient HR Coordinators who can seamlessly integrate into an organization's mold and perform multiple roles effectively.
  • Experience Level: An HR Coordinator with a higher level of experience tends to earn more than his or her less-experienced counterparts. Experience is the intangible factor that often adds invaluable insights and practical knowledge of everyday situations in an HR Department.

Such attractive compensation is, in part, a reflection of how highly NTT DATA Corporation and other similar firms value the contributions of their HR Coordinators. It also offers an insightful glimpse into the HR industry, particularly for those aspiring to make a career in this field.

So, if you are considering a career as an HR Coordinator or are seeking ways to negotiate a raise, arming yourself with this information might just tilt the scales in your favor! Remember, knowledge is the key to making informed decisions, and we hope this piece paves the way for you to make yours.

Customizable HR Solutions in Tampa

Unlocking the Potential of Your Business with the Resourcefulness of Tampa's HR Outsourcing Solutions

In a world of rapid technological advancement and shifting workforce dynamics, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve. This especially applies to human resources (HR) management. All too often, HR tasks can consume excessive time and resources, detracting from the organization's primary focus – growth and productivity. This is where HR outsourcing shines, ushering in efficiency, compliance, and improved service delivery. In the heart of the Sunshine State's west coast, Tampa's HR Outsourcing Solutions can help unlock the potential of your business.

Payroll Processing

No business can afford hitches in its payroll process. That's why Tampa HR solutions offer comprehensive and customizable payroll processing services. Whether you operate a small kitchen or a corporate behemoth, rest assured that your workforce will receive their dues seamlessly and punctually. Here's what our payroll processing solution can deliver:

  • Accurate and timely processing of employee payslips
  • Compliant with federal, state, and local tax regulations
  • Customized reporting for insightful decision making
  • Accessible online platform for employees to view and manage their compensation details

Never again worry about the complexities of payroll. Let us handle it so you can focus on what truly matters – running your business.

Benefits Administration

An attractive and well-managed benefits package forms the cornerstone of employee retention. By leveraging the customizable benefits administration offered by Tampa HR solutions, you can ensure your employees feel valued and motivated. Our service includes:

  • Design and administration of benefits programs
  • Compliance with Affordable Care Act (ACA) guidelines and other regulations
  • Educating employees about their benefit options
  • Managing benefits enrollment, changes, and terminations

Your employees deserve the best. Forge lasting relationships with your workforce by entrusting us your benefits administration.

Talent Acquisition

Finding the right talent is critical in today's competitive business landscape. Yet, scouting, interviewing, and onboarding can be time-consuming. With the customizable talent acquisition solutions offered by Tampa HR Outsourcing services, you can rest easy. Here's how we can help:

  • Designing and implementing effective recruitment strategies
  • Conducting comprehensive screening processes
  • Facilitating effortless onboarding for seamless integration into your company
  • Ongoing talent management to ensure a symbiotic relationship between employee and employer

Great talent can unlock exponential growth in your organization. Let us be the key that links you with such talent.

In essence, Tampa's HR Outsourcing Solutions offers customizable HR services that can free up your resources, ensuring your team can focus on achieving your business objectives. It's time to unlock the potential of your business with us. Embrace the future of HR today!

Strategies and Expertise for HR Operations

Turn your organization’s human resource functions into a powerhouse of efficiency, innovation, and workplace satisfaction.

When you are at the helm steering the day-to-day operations, it's easy to become so engrossed in immediate tasks that we overlook the long-term strategies. Especially in human resources (HR), the focus often shifts towards payroll processing, benefits administration, onboarding, etc., forgetting about the future growth strategy. Well, not anymore. Today, we have HR outsourcing services that are like the superhero ally you didn’t know you needed. They fill the gap between your daily tasks and strategy execution, ensuring that your HR operations work like a well-oiled machine.

In essence, HR outsourcing services are not a mere third-party intervention. They are strategic partners who bring a fresh perspective, innovative technologies, and a plethora of expertise to your table. Let us unfold the value they add:

Fresh Perspective

  • External agency: Since they are an outsider to your internal workings, they can provide an objective view on your company’s HR policies and practices. Think of them as a pair of fresh yet experienced eyes.
  • Industry knowledge: They bring in their vast knowledge spanning across many industries and geographies, providing a broader perspective on HR methodologies.
  • Streamlining operations: HR outsourcing services provide new strategies and expertise for streamlining HR operations. They excel at unveiling the bottlenecks and obstacles that might be hindering your growth.

Innovative Technology

  • Automating the process: With their technology-first approach, HR outsourcing services automate the HR operations, freeing your internal resources from mundane tasks to focus more attention on strategic steps.
  • Utilizing the latest tech: Be it AI-based analytics, cloud-based infrastructure, or fully integrated systems, the outsourcing services are equipped with the latest HR technologies to raise your game.


  • Updated trends: They keep pace with the changing HR landscape, ensuring your company is on top of current trends, compliance, policies, etc.
  • Rich talent pool: They have a rich talent pool of subject matter experts adding a new dimension of expertise to your HR operations, making them more holistic.

“HR outsourcing is about more than just business process. It is about fundamentally rethinking the way HR services are delivered.” – Everest Group

As you can see, the benefits of HR outsourcing services are manifold. So what's holding you back? It's time to banish the perception of HR as a cost center and transform it into a strategic unit driving business profitability. Let's join forces with an HR outsourcing partner to achieve this feat. It’s not just an outsourcing agreement, it's a partnership working towards a common goal your business success.

Cloud HCM Software Integration

Integration: The Key to Effortless HR Operations Management

At the heart of every successful human resources operation lies seamless cloud integration. In modern businesses, the use of Human Capital Management (HCM) software engines has transformed the way organizations manage their most valuable assets - their people. If your business is based in Tampa, and you're still relying on old-school, manual HR processes, it's time for an upgrade.


Cloud-based HCM software revolutionizes one of the most critical HR tasks - payroll management. With an integrated cloud environment, payroll processing becomes a breeze. Biometric data and hours worked can be automatically recorded, reducing time-consuming manual entry and errors that could cost your company thousands of dollars in fines or penalties.


Human Resources tasks such as onboarding, maintaining employee data, performance tracking, and regulatory compliance become significantly manageable with integrated HCM software. You can store, manage, and access all of your employee records in a centralized cloud location, leading to increased organization and accessibility.


When it comes to administering employee benefits, an integrated cloud-based HCM can save you from the complexities of managing multiple benefit plans and providers. Benefits information can be kept up-to-date and visible to employees, reducing the bulk of your administrative burden. Employees can check their benefits, manage their options, and access necessary documentation whenever required.

Time Reporting

Track employee attendance, leave, overtime, and other time-related factors with ease using HCM cloud software. Time-off management becomes less of a struggle and more of a streamlined process, which can positively affect your workforce's productivity and attendance.


Talent acquisition and retention can be improved and automated using cloud-based HCM. From initial recruitment, through onboarding to development and retention, every phase of the talent lifecycle can be effortlessly managed within one integrated HR platform.

Workforce Management

Incorporating cloud HCM in workforce management offers an end-to-end solution for HR teams. Task allocation, shift scheduling, forecasting future workforce needs, and strategic decision-making become easier as the data is available on a unified platform.

Cloud HCM software integration can bring about significant changes in your HR operations. By embracing this technology, Tampa businesses can make a giant leap towards modernizing their HR functions, ultimately leading to heightened efficiency, accurate processing, and enhanced employee engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is human resources outsourcing?

    Human resources outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring an external company or organization to handle various HR functions, such as payroll processing, recruitment, employee training, and benefits administration.

  2. What are the benefits of human resources outsourcing?

    The benefits of human resources outsourcing include cost savings, improved HR expertise, access to advanced HR technology, reduced administrative burden, enhanced compliance, and scalability to meet changing business needs.

  3. Why should a company in Tampa consider human resources outsourcing?

    Companies in Tampa can benefit from human resources outsourcing by focusing more on their core business activities, accessing specialized HR knowledge and skills, ensuring compliance with local employment laws, and achieving cost efficiencies.

  4. How do I choose the right human resources outsourcing provider in Tampa?

    When choosing a human resources outsourcing provider in Tampa, consider factors such as industry experience, range of services offered, reputation, client testimonials, cost, flexibility, and the provider's ability to customize solutions to your specific business needs.

  5. What HR functions can be outsourced in Tampa?

    Common HR functions that can be outsourced in Tampa include payroll processing, benefits administration, recruitment and onboarding, employee training and development, performance management, HR compliance, and employee relations.

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